This man woke up with a billion dollar recipe.
Bob Goldberg was a man who was about 20 years ahead of his time, as a young man in the seventies he was the first to market with a Vegetarian cafe/restaurant. They said he would fail, yet year over year they slowly grew. The sandwiches were a particular hit in the cafe.
The Stress of Maintaining a Brand
One day they discovered that the so-called vegan mayo that made those sandwiches so good. Simply an off-brand mayo. Some dude was removing the labels in his garage and reselling as vegan mayo. The company was facing a huge challenge and is needing a new solution. Also, the marketplace not yet catering to vegans let alone vegetarians Bob and his partners were in a bind.
Inspiration: A Billion Dollar Recipe
Then came the inspiration… A billion dollar recipe. One night Bob woke, sat bolt upright grabbed his pen and paper, and wrote out the recipe that came to him in a dream. Once he was at the shop, he put the recipe to the test and it was a huge hit. The launch of Follow Your Heart Veganaise and from there a whole line of products that have grown year over year making the company an estimated 50 million in 2016 alone.
Lean in and Trust Your Intuition
Our intuition, and our subconscious mind can find the solutions we need in our business when we make space for them to drop in AND take action when they do. There are millions of options to learn the systems and strategies for business, but these days you need to be on the leading edge not trying to implement what worked 2-5 years ago.
This is where trusting your intuition/Universe for direction is imperative. Let’s get you ahead of the curve, trusting you, following those inspirations, and welcoming the judgments of others so that you scale with ease.
Tired of Working Your Arse Off
Message me if you are done with working your arse off without the kind of results you expect. No pushy sales – promise! Just an honest look at what is not working and how to turn things around.