Elena Rahrig

Elena Rahrig started her entrepreneurial journey at the age of 12! Her parents started paying her at a young age to read books on business, life and spirituality. She would also go to her dad’s office and work along side the secretaries, filing papers and answering phones. She also describes her experience with network marketing, and where most people go wrong with it.  Elena also speaks up about where a lot of small business startups are going wrong.

Episode Summary

She talks about empires, and how they differ from the entrepreneurs who struggle. She explains, using just the logo a company uses, how empires use simplicity to their advantage. She and Dana share a laugh about social media pictures that misrepresent people, and Elena explains why you shouldn’t tell people what you do.

Elena explains why quitting your job to become a coach may not be the best move for you,  She also deep dives into where emotions factor into the equation, and why it’s important to express the emotions behind what you do.

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