Powerful You Program




Powerful You – Intro Pack

This program is now a digital download product to get you well on your way to owning your power Now!

Packed with tools you can use to get you well on your way to a more conscious life.

  • How to Become a Ninja Warrior of Consciousness – Workshop Recording

This is a workshop I run on a semi regular basis for those who either need a refresher or those looking for more dynamic tools than what they have found so far.

It is a 2 hour recording of the workshop so you can become immersed into the action as if you were right there with me.

The focus is on the tools and the application of the tools, we stay out of individual clearings in the evening workshops so that you can get a really good foundation for working with these concepts.

  • There are also 8 MP3 recordings of more tools and different explanations so that things sink in and you really get it.
  • Then there are the 2 very dynamic and transformational energy session recordings which you can use again and again whenever you feel stuck. You sit back relax and allow the energy to shift and change, kind of like a guided meditation combined with a distance healing session all put on steroids.

All this for only $39

Is Now the time for you to Unleash the super powerhouse you were always meant to be?


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