Why I Loved Being a Victim

Why I Loved Being a Victim

There was a time in my life that I can honestly say I was very attached to my victim status. I did go through some crap in my life and there are things that I was a victim of, but I am talking about after those actual instances were over and how I lived my life on a...
Letting Yourself Receive

Letting Yourself Receive

In general, people assume that by being a Dominatrix, it is very easy for you to accept gifts from other people.  By gifts, I mean their adoration, help/assistance, etc.  However, accepting continual service or affection for an hour or more without a break can be...
Tapping into Your Feminine Power

Tapping into Your Feminine Power

What exactly is feminine power?  You hear a lot of people talking about feminine energy or feminine power these days. There seem to be a lot of people, mostly women, talking about stepping into their power.  People are looking for ways to to go bigger and own their...