You’ve worked hard to create
a successful business and …
You are totally ready to ramp up your business
You have done a shit-ton of “inner work” and you are ready for the next level
You know that you need someone who is not afraid to call you on your BS so you can get what you want.
You are super talented, successful AND you are itching for more.
You don’t have to push harder,
faster or give away your profits!
Time for some Inner Dominatrix™ energy
to ramp things up with ease!

I’m a former dominatrix and I can tell you it’s not about being a hard ass or confrontational. That’s masculine energy where you take yourself seriously and you push, push, push to make change.
Dominatrix energy is feminine energy—a totally different kind of power. You simply stand and state your position. You don’t try to justify it; you don’t second-guess yourself.
Like the ninja warrior, you are fully present, aware of everything that’s going on. You’re not hyper vigilant waiting for the next attack, so you’re able to move and shift whenever you need to.
You stop pushing and start to follow that amazing intuitive skill that women have to the nth degree. And you know the precise moment when you need to implement.
When you step into your dominatrix energy and surrender into the present moment, you can see the bigger picture and scout out what needs to be done. And that will take your business to an entirely new level of success. You’ll be a superstar, handling everything with ease!

How do you know this will work? You’ve experienced other coaches and were probably burned by a few. What makes me different?
Well, 80 percent of my business comes from referrals – would they send their friends if this did not work?
If you have not met me in person, you are not going to be convinced by some slick copy on a website. Follow me for a while, download the book, listen to the podcast. Trust your intuition on this choice.
I bring this crazy blend of business strategy, consciousness woo aka Practical Woo, mindest, energy healing blend them together to pull in the mix of what YOU need in your business. No formulas and canned systems but tailored to what is actually needed right now.
I have built a 7-figure business & I coach 7 figure earners. I understand the mindset that it takes to grow – The Inner Dominatrix™ mindset