Get a Trusted Advisor
Big Plans take a team of support
Talk to any super successful person who has an ounce of humilty and they are the first to point out that they did not make it alone.
They had a team of people supporting them, calling bullshit when required and keeping their head out of their ass so that they could stay on track with their big goals.
As a businesswoman of 30 years and over 25 years coaching amazing women like you (even if you don’t believe it yet), I know from experience that my clients have been able to be more successful in ALL areas of their life from this type of support.
I have watched my clients add 11-58% top line revenue, and 23-102% to the bottom line profits.
These are numbers to celebrate, but more important is the fact that they did it while learning to work less, delegate more, be stronger leaders, and feel more comfortable in their own skin.
Let’s get you what you need when you need it!
How does it work?
Hiring a trusted advisor is different from hiring a coach. Your advisor is with you longer term, they get to know you deeply and learn to call you on your shit and get you on track quickly.
As such, the support looks a bit different. You have me on call (but not after 9 PM EST – I am so not a night owl), and we have regular sessions as well. You will not need in-depth sessions but when shit is up that is when we address it.
From quick negotiation tactics, to feeling triggered we address it and keep you moving forward.
You and I will discuss what kind of schedule for sessions are going to work for you, mapping out a strategy. Typically my clients choose to meet with me 1 x per week for 30 min and then use an app called Voxer to connect for support outside of those sessions.
Between calls and support check in’s you will also have me providing a high level energetic support and healing. I can keep tabs on you and keep you inside of a protective container that keeps you “safe” energetically so that you can keep going with ease.
“When I signed up for the Life After Access call series I didn’t feel particularly stuck but as a former certified facilitator was curious about other people’s experiences. From the calls I gained greater awareness of Access Consciousness tools that hadn’t worked well for me as well as appreciation of tools that were helpful. Material covered in the call series went way beyond the topic, giving me more techniques for change, and ultimately greater freedom in my life. ” – Helen
Helen HarveyLet’s Get Started …
Step 2: Application & Book a Consultation
Step 3: Say Yes!
When we have our call we will map out a plan to get you the results you are looking for.