Poppy Sprague
Poppy Sprague is a Breakthrough Speaker, Transformational Coach, Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Research-Practitioner and Consultant with exceptional successes across her 20-year career. She is the Founder of ACADEMY FOR SELF-MASTERY, an Excellence Rated Online School for Personal Transformation. Poppy’s MASTERY MORNINGS, DAILY LIVE SHOW teaches the daily habits and disciplines for Health, Wealth and Success. Her SELF-MASTERY 12 Level Interactive Training, develops the deeply robust insight, understanding and skill to unleash your full-potential and live your life unleashed.
Poppy speaks to inspire, motivate and explain the psychology and often unconscious reasons, we repeat behavior and stay stuck. She offers profound insights and tips for breakthrough to the life you were born to live! Her upcoming book THE SELF-MASTERY MANUAL, talks us through our own idiosyncratic behaviour pattern and guides us to skillfully attend to what we already know but routinely ignore.
Episode Summary
Lover of humanity Poppy Sprague discusses something profound with Dana: set yourself up to be able to receive the ugly truth about HONESTY today. You’re going to have to take a good look at your learning curve and go seven layers deep on this one. It’ll hurt, it’ll suck, but you’ll get over it. Because being truly honest with yourself can open you up to the epic overcoming you are yearning for. No judgements. Just compassion and Dana and Poppy. And brutal fucking honesty.
Check out the youtube video Poppy referenced for Seven Levels Deep by clicking here
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