Lynn Pelzer
Lynn was a Dental Hygienst for 20 years before retiring that career to build a business of her own. She reached the top leadership level in a Network Marketing company where she gained skills in speaking, leadership and sales. Lynn partnered with FemCity, a Womens networking and educational platform to mentor Women to lead FemCity Collective’s globally. Seeing Women grow in business and life is her why fulfilled.
Episode Summary
Lynn Pelzer has defined her life by being driven. Like, has launched 45 new FemCity Collectives since January kind of driven. Actually, if you search up her profile on Facebook, you will see her life motto: “Dreams do come true, you just have to work for them”. Except this busy, dynamic lady has reached a point in her life where business is good, home is good, life is good. So why does that make her feel so bad? Why is it just so darn hard to step off that hamster wheel of more? Isn’t the point of growing a business to create a lifestyle that you love, that works for you? It’s like we need someone to hold up a big sign in front of us that says “Relax. You have arrived. Please enjoy.” Well that someone is Dana. So relax. You have arrived. Please listen and enjoy.
Interested in FemCity or wondering about starting your own FemCity Collective? Click HERE to learn more.
Click HERE to meet other Business Badasses and “Access Your Inner Dominatrix” on Dana’s Facebook group.
Check out Dana’s new book “Become A Badass In Business” on sale Oct. 15 2018! Click HERE to access your copy.