“It was Never About the Toilet Paper”

“It was Never About the Toilet Paper”

Armageddon, Trauma and PTSD during a Pandemic I shut off the screen but the headlines suspend in that second, etched in my mind, like the voices of my father and mother who repeatedly insisted I had to perfectly follow their beliefs or I would not be saved when “the...
When ‘Eating the Frog’ Won’t Work

When ‘Eating the Frog’ Won’t Work

I am often asked, “Should I be working on my strategy (aka an action plan) or should I be looking at the internal pieces?” There is a synergy between the two, one will affect the other, but there is a point at which one needs to come before the other. So, what do you...
Authenticity is Key to Business Growth

Authenticity is Key to Business Growth

Authenticity. What exactly is authenticity? What does it mean to show up authentically? What does it mean to be present and vulnerable? Are authenticity and vulnerability the same thing, or are they different? Many people think that in order to be authentic they need...
The ugly side of the spiritually enlightened people

The ugly side of the spiritually enlightened people

“I am sorry that my reaction has caused you to feel that way. It would be good for you to explore why you feel that way.” WTF??? So let me get this straight, my brand triggers you and you think you are being a super spiritually enlightened being by projecting it back...